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Interview> VedikaTalks

Published date: 25th May, 2024

An unhurried chat with VedikaTalks about a wide variety of topics, beginning with Bala Sahithi being the foundation of Manchi Pustakam, our trust objectives, creating resources (in the form of engaging stories) for parents who wish for their children to learn and read Telugu, going against the grain in terms of book selection policies etc.

K.Suresh talks in detail about the various facets of picture stories, the genres and deeper meaning of folktales, the beauty of Soviet children’s books, and the fascination parents continue to have with ‘moral stories’.

There is also a discussion about the existing schooling system, our efforts to bring forth books regarding alternative schooling systems, and some stories that have left a lasting impression. The talk ends with some questions from listeners.

You can listen to the talk below:

You can view the Vedika YouTube channel here.