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What makes a good picture book?

A heartening trend of late in India is the increased demand for picture books. But what makes a good picture book? Here are a few points to consider:

‘What makes a good picture book?’

పిల్లల బొమ్మల పుస్తకాలు ఎలా ఉండాలి? పరిగణించవలసిన కొన్ని అంశాలు:

‘పిల్లల బొమ్మల పుస్తకాలు ఎలా ఉండాలి?’
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Interview> True Expressions Telugu

Interview date: 19th February, 2024

An interview with P.Bhagyalakshmi by True Expressions Telugu at Manchi Pustakam stall at the 36th Hyderabad Book Fair.

Source: True Expressions Telugu

Listen to the interview as we talk about how to introduce different kinds of books to children at every age:

Link to watch on YouTube here.

A behind-the-scenes snap:

At the Manchi Pustakam stall at the 36th Hyderabad Book Fair
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Interview> Hittv Telugu

Interview date: 10th February, 2024

A look around different stalls at the 36th Hyderabad Book Fair – by Hittvofficial team. They spent some time with us at the Manchi Pustakam stall, talking to K.Suresh, P.Bhagyalakshmi and C.A. Prasad garu.

Hittv Telugu interview at Manchi Pustakam stall at the 36th Hyderabad Book Fair

Click the link below to jump to these interviews:

You can also watch the video on Youtube by clicking here.

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Book Fair> Hyderabad February 2024

Due to election proceedings at the end of 2023, the 36th Hyderabad Book Fair was not held in December like every year. When the gates of NTR Stadium (Telangana Kala Bharathi) opened in February, there was no stopping the city’s booklovers!

36th Hyderabad Book Fair – Manchi Pustakam Invite, Telugu
36th Hyderabad Book Fair – Manchi Pustakam Invite, English
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Book Fair> Hyderabad 2022

A few glimpses of our time at Hyderabad Book Fair 2022 – this one was special as it marked our 20th year of putting up a stall here!

Our favourite sights at the stall – kids interacting with books!

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Book review> Fun with Phonics

A book review of Fun with Phonics was published in Children’s World, a magazine run by Children’s Book Trust, in it’s February 2024 issue.

Fun with Phonics set of 24 books, spread across 4 levels, has a total of 72 stories. The same sounds are repeated through each story, making them easy for young learners to read and understand. More details in the flier below:

Fun with Phonics flier
Book review – Fun with Phonics
fun with phonics by cheryl rao art m. sreekanth manchi pustakam telugu kids book

These books are authored by Cheryl Rao, with illustrations by M.Sreekanth.

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How Do Children Actually Learn?

We know children learn from reading. But are we, as a society, placing too much importance on it?

After all, children also learn from expanding their imagination, playing games, conversations, by experimenting, from sports, creative arts, and mathematics!

The different avenues for children to learn

This multidimensional approach to learning is advocated by John Holt, who believed that children should be given the freedom and resources to learn according to their interests.

పిల్లలు నేర్చుకునే విధానం is a set of 4 books by Holt, and a great resource for teachers and parents who wish to delve deeper into this subject.

pillalu nerchukune vidhanam john holt
Pillalu Nerchukune Vidhanam- set of 4 books – by John Holt
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Community> Yakshi Samstha – Nawabupeta

In January 2024, Yakshi Samstha arranged for Telugu books for children at Nawabupeta. The books were displayed in the community so that parents and other elders would also be able to see the kind of books their children would now have access to the library.

జనవరి లో నవాబు పేట లో యక్షి సంస్థ ఏర్పాటు చేసిన గ్రంధాలయ పుస్తకాలన్నీ ఆసక్తిగా చూస్తున్న పిన్నలు, పెద్దలు!

Books on display at Nawabupeta

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Book Fair> Vijayawada 2023

2023’s Vijayawada Book Fair saw throngs of booklovers! In addition, we also saw a పుస్తక ప్రియుల పాదయాత్ర (with a lot of children participating), book reviews by kids, recitation of rhymes and more.

What especially caught our attention? అభ్యాస విద్యాలయం పిల్లల సృజనాత్మకత! వారు 3 కథల పాత్రల తోలు బొమ్మలు తయారు చేసి షాడో పిప్పెట్రీ సెట్ తో అందరిని ఆకట్టుకున్నారు.

Manchi Pustakam poster invite for Vijayawada Book Fair 2023 – Telugu
Manchi Pustakam poster invite for Vijayawada Book Fair 2023 – English

Some snapshots:

పొడుపుకథలను ఇష్టాంగా అడిగించుకుని మరీ విప్పిన ఆరేళ్ళ తాన్సీ!